Carter's Story

Thursday December 6th started like any other day. We did not wake up that day knowing that we would be forever changed. Shortly after arriving at work I began to experience pain that I quickly realized were contractions, at 20 weeks I knew that I should not have been feeling this pain. Rob picked up from work and by the time we made it to the hospital I was fully into the stages of labor and there was nothing they could do to stop the process. Our baby boy Carter was born and forever became our angel. Our lives have forever been changed and we don't yet know where the healing process will take us. Right now we are focused on Caila and helping her heal, she continues to amaze us with her understanding, but what she wants more then anything and we wish we could give her is the baby brother she always wanted and never had the chance to know.

We now Know we lost him due to Incompetent Cervix & Placental Abruption. If you have found our blog because you are now embarking on your own journey of grief and healing our hearts go out to you. May you be surrounded with love and not ever expect to much of yourself. Normal will never be the same, you will never be the same, and that's ok. My hope is that some of the resources I found to be lifesaving will help you as well.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Forever Remembered

Tomorrow is 10 months since I held my baby boy. Time is starting to slip away. All the would have should have could haves come up more and more frequently. The pain lingers. We are still sad. Caila asks daily about her baby brother in heaven. We miss him. We don't understand, will never understand. We miss him. We are still sad.

But we must move forward.

Because of this I will not be updating this blog anymore. I won't remove it, hopefully the ramblings of a grieving mother will help someone, somewhere. But what I really hope for is that there will never again be any grieving mother's. Research can help that, but that will all depend on who gets elected in November.

Thank you all for sharing in our journey of grief. Near or far you have helped us to continue to breath in and out more then you realize.

Dear Carter~

In our journey without you I hope that we continually see signs that you are with us.... and just know how very much we love you....

Friday, October 3, 2008

The balance of Love .....

Great emotion consumes you during pregnancy. Emotion that you at times feel can never be topped. Until that moment... the moment you hold that tiny person in your arms.... the miracle you never imagined feeling.
That moment for most is followed by the wave of responsiblity that comes crashing over you. This life this little person is yours for the keeping, you hold the keys to their safety security and overall well being.

I felt that wave so sincerely when Caila was born. How do I keep her safe ? How do I spare her from pain. Never considering that the most gut wrenching pain I could not keep her from, would put a test to all those questions.

One moment took that all away from me. In one moment I was unable to save our 2oweek old baby as my body failed me in ways you cannot begin to understand ( unless your reading this because you've been there and my heart breaks for you and I wish I could reach out and hold your hand) as I wrestled through that knowing I could do nothing to protect him. I also began to realize that not only could I not save our infant son, but the pain our dear daughter was about to experience I could not keep her from either. The moment she walked into that hospital room to meet the baby brother she would never know, and most likely her only chance at ever gaining the title of sister, that moment broke my heart forever. and there was nothing I could do, to protect either of my children. Sadly, the moment I went from mother of 2 to only mother of 1 living child, gave me greatest example of balancing love in a family...